All are welcome. Please follow the traditions of our house. A brother is available in the front row to assist all guests.
Lauds - 7:30 AM Said at dawn, this first of the major hours of the Liturgy of the Hours starts our day with the first word uttered from our lips to be "Lord." We open our day with praise to the Lord and consecrate the time and hour to HIm on behalf of his people.
Eucharist - Noon Come join us for our conventual mass. We celebrate the Roman Rite in English and chant the mass prayers. Break bread with the only Benedictine monks in the great state of Florida. The Gloria is sung.
1st Vespers of Sunday - 6:00 PM For the Divine office, inspiration was taken from our Jewish ancestors who began the Sabbath the evening before. We too begin the celebration of Sunday the evening before. Come join us as we usher in a new week, another celebration of the Resurrection, and another opportunity to praise the Lord who created us and set us free.